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Keypad with backlit graphic display with built-in card reader, microphone, loudspeaker and temperature sensor for SmartLiving system control

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Joy series keypads come in light-coloured casings with keypad-protecting down flips. These attractive keypads provide 4 on-view “Shortcut” keys which also work as “Emergency key duos”.The Joy series keypads are primary Easy4U technology components thus allow users to take full advantage of the “Shortcuts” and voice functions. The two models differ only in potential. The Joy/MAX has several important enhancements, for example, the on-board microphone and speaker unit for voice functions. The Joy/MAX keypad is capable of guiding users through operations by means of voice prompts. These prompts steer users through operations with ease and pilot every step of arm/disarm operations. The voice functions also provide notification of events which occur on the system and consent to keypad to keypad intercom connections. The Joy/MAX keypad is also equipped with a reader and a roomtemperature sensor (shown on the display). The temperature sensor also functions as a thermostat for room-heating control which can be set in manual, weekly, anti-freeze mode. The built-in reader allows users to access the system using a Tag or Card instead of typing in a code. Both models are equipped with two input/out terminals and dislodgement and open-tamper protection devices.