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Addressable Manual Call Point, EN 54-11

Garanties sécurité (à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")

Politique de livraison (à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
660 manual call points connect to addressable fire detection control and indicating equipment. Up to 125 devices can be connected to each alarm zone loop using the addressable loop communications protocol.
A pressure-activated displacement element provides a safe and convenient way for building occupants to manually initiate a fire alarm condition.
All models have an integral alarm indicator that illuminates when the manual call point has been activated. The indicator can also be configured to flash when polled by the fire detection control and indicating equipment.
Resetting the manual call point is achieved by inserting a key through the underside of the unit to replace the operating face to the quiescent position.
The 660 manual call point range provides fire detection and alarm system designers with a Standards-compliant, premium product for life safety and property protection applications.